Esnoper V2000 scleral implant is indicated for NPDS ( non-penetrating deep sclerectomy) in open-angle glaucoma surgery. The implant is a non-reabsorbable implant that provides a fixed, permeable intrascleral space that facilitates the drainage of aquous humor. Material: HEMA ( Hydroxyetyl Metacrylat ). Dimensions: 3.00 mm x 1.40 mm x 2.85 mm.
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Esnoper CLIP uveoscleral implant is indicated for NPDS ( non-penetrating deep sclerectomy) in open-angle glaucoma surgery. The Implantat is a non-reabsorbable implant whose double-plate design proides two drainage channels: Trabecular ( intrascleral og supraciliary) and uveoscleral. Material: HEMA ( Hydroxyetyl Metacrylat ). Dimensions: 5.50 mm x 1.30 mm x 2.20 mm.
Contact us for further information.